It’s been a while…

19 Nov

It’s amazing how time flies, it’s crazzy how life has become so busy that so many things had to be pushed aside… 

I have made a commitment, to catch up with all the things I love, because most of them were pushed aside, and it hurts to think that I have no time for them…

I am not going to wait for the new year to start off one those new year resolutions that last maximum 2 weeks… I am starting it now! Because I am commited to be happy today! πŸ™‚

I am happy everyday, but you know when things feel right and when things feel not quiet right, and I am not going to let winter blues to take over me! I am going to start my commitment today! To be happy! πŸ™‚

A lot of things have happened and changed during the last 3 years. It’s not possible to tell it all in just one single post, i am going to catch up with all the goss along with my craft, beauty, health, fashion and the rest of the posts…

Cheers to that! πŸ™‚ 

 x X x



3 Feb


I got a really cool present for my birthday, I love it so much, so I decided to write a post about it. πŸ™‚

Ever since JAWBONE released their UP band, I really really wanted to get one, just happened to get this FitBit Flex for my birthday. I am going to do little comparison on why I find FitBit Flex better than Jawbone UP.

What is FitBit Flex and what is it used for

It is a wireless wristband, it syncs via Bluetooth to your smartphone or You don’t have to plug it in to anything to sync it, all you need is a Bluetooth. If you don’t have a smartphone and if you don’t have Bluetooth in your PC, Fitbit comes with a little USB adaptor that will pick up signal from your wristband to PC or Mac.

photo2In the package it comes with:

  • Actual Fitbit
  • 2 wristbands- small and large
  • USB charger
  • USB sync thingy
The wristband is made to track your day and night, it tracks steps, distance, calories burned, active minutes, hours slept, times woken up, sleep quality and also has a silent vibrate alarm, you can set your goals and sync for real time stats.
Fitbit can be used underwater up to 10 metres. Where jawbone is only ok to be used in shower.
Fitbit wristbands can be bought inexpensive in different colours, and can be changed if worn out, where Jawbone wears out and gets loose.
Fitbit can be synced with a lot off different apps, to improve your active life.
My favourite is little avatar Welly, whoΒ survives depending on how active I am.

Watching the birds <3

24 Jan


As you know, it’s not that pleasant outside – weather wise.

The birds are struggling to find the food for themselves, so please feed them if you can. You can buy seeds and nuts, nearly in every food-store or hardware store. And believe me, you and the kids will have so much fun observing them, and you will feel satisfied because you have done a great deed for the birds πŸ™‚

It’s nicer to see them alive and happy, then seeing them starving and dying 😦

I swear, every morning me and Seamus get up, and we count up to 40 birds outside the window. It is fun and relaxing to be observing them.

One morning I just sat outside, with huge cup of tea, a book and a camera, and I was observing and taking pictures of them, I must say they are smart little creatures.


Also, my cat loves them too….Β 



Snow Day!!! :)

23 Jan

Finally, Snow Days in Ireland!!!

This year it was very special, because my brother was out playing in it for the first time, and for me, I had to show him all the fun things to do with the snow! He certainly did enjoy it all πŸ™‚

ImageIt was a great surprise waking up in the morning to a beautiful white sight outside the window, and a great day for a lot of kids to be ditching school πŸ™‚

Too bad it won’t stay for longer 😦


13 Jul

I always keep thinking of the stuff to write on my blog, but I just seem to forget to do it…Β 

Being unemployed, I still find that there is a lack of time in my life for all the things I would love to do.

The summer blues, have put me in the bad mood. I just can’t seem to be bothered for anything when weather is so shite outside the window. thoughts about emigration are seriously taking over my mind. I want to flash my bum to the sun, and to have my body wrapped in the warmth of it.
All the things I’d do if we had the proper week of sun…. 😦


Well, Hello Summer!! :)

27 Mar

So here it is, Summer! πŸ™‚ Long waited heat and sunshine πŸ™‚

Getting out of the depressing winter feeling and concentrating more on my blog πŸ™‚

In this post I want to share the highlights of yesterday, the random lunch I had with my boyfriend, and the things we explored.

We went for a walk in place called CΓΊilaodha, Westcork, Cork and Kerry border. Looking for a random place to have a picnic. We ended up at these woods which I must say, they were like out if the fairytale.


The most amazing was the things we found there.

The birds nest with the eggs in there. Wish somebody would tell me what birds eggs they are.


And the thing that I wasn’t very impressed with, was the things we found that people recycle in the forests.


Just for a note, It is free of charge to recycle any electrical things, because when you buy them, you already pay the recycling tax on them, so there is no need to dump your shit in the forests and God knows where…

I must say that our lunch never tasted better than on such a lovely day spent in the nature πŸ™‚


If you look around you, You might find some part of mother nature that you will fall in love with, so please feel free to share some nice places with me, that are not on the map or in the brochures, but that are so worth to see.


Alise x x πŸ™‚


12 Feb


Came across this kaleidoscope during the weekend, funny how attached I felt for it. Remembered the times when I used to play with one when I was a child, hours and hours could be spent at it, trying to see the new shapes inside in it.
I can’t help it, i get attached to small things, but unfortunately my kaleidoscope was broken by some neighbour spoilt brat that has no sense of value for anything in this life…
So, I decided I gonna make my own kaleidoscope πŸ™‚ πŸ˜€
Now, I must figure out how…

To be continued…..


16 Dec

“The greatest thing is to love and to be loved in return”

*strong feeling of affection
*strong feeling of affection and sexual attraction for someone
*a great interest and pleasure in something
*a person or thing that one loves
*a friendly form of address

You may love your mother, your father. You may love the seasons, the warmth, the smell, the touch. You may love your football team, I love my hockey team (Dinamo!!!), u may love your cat, your dog, your boyfriend, your girlfriend.
So many different loves, but are they all the same?
Would you love your father the same way you love your cat? Would you love your mother the same way you love your hamster? Noooo….

Strong feeling of affection thats not in return, c’mon we all had that perfect one that was so unreachable πŸ˜€ That first love maybe? Id say it was for me, and Im not ashamed to call his name, because he knows all about it, and I know he is reading this post, i know you stalk me in all the social networks, I just don’t understand why? Imagine, its our 10 year anniversary this december! Remember we went to see Harry Potter movie, my first ever date πŸ™‚ oh yeah, and my mother following us to the cinema to make sure your not some sort of a pervert πŸ˜€ … 10 years… Gosh… How young and innocent we were πŸ˜€ i know we fucked up 7 years ago, I know we fucked up 3 years ago. But jayz, i look back and smile. Even tho our friendship has faded, just know that Im thankful to you about that you were there when I needed someone. And yes I loved you, and I love you still, but not in the same way, i just love you that you were a part of my life, i dont love you as a friend, coz our friendship is faded, but i love you for the things i learned from you. Just letting you know so that you dont think im an unthankful bitch πŸ˜€

Phew, I said, feels so much better πŸ˜€

Love… Love… Love…
It’s everywhere. Have you noticed the spark in people eyes that seem to be in love. The awkward smile they have all day long πŸ™‚ the way they reach for their phone whenever it makes sound or vibe. The dreamy look after replying to the texts…
I cant help it, I love watching people πŸ˜€
And not only because of just watching it from others, Im experiencing it myself πŸ™‚

It’s great to be able to admit that your in love πŸ™‚ And theres nothing greater in the world than love that is in return πŸ™‚

The Little Things in Life….

11 Oct

There are so many small things in life.. Sometimes we don’t even notice how big and important they can be. The small stones make big mountains, Β little steps can cover miles, little candles can light the room…. etc… etc… etc…

I love organic forest strawberry tea, but it’s not just about the tea itself… It might look like a small thing for you. Whats so special about 10 minutes of enjoying a cup of tea…

Step1 – The journey to the forest and the strawberry picking takes up to 3hrs.
Step2- To dry the strawberry leafs might take up to 3-4 weeks.
And then the Β Process of a tea drinking… jayz, it’s up to you wether to make it simple (small thing) or memorable (big thing) . Why not to invite friends, make a tea party, share gossip, play monopoly πŸ˜› and then you might end up on a random night out (that would be so ME πŸ˜€ )…

We all share our small things… I have my tea, nature walks, books, craft and ice-cream. And they don’t cost much… but they bring so much pleasure.

Have you ever seen someone complain about a parking ticket as if it’s the end of the world?

Have you been cut off in traffic and let it ruin your whole day?

Such a small and stupid things…. But sometimes people should just learn to take a breath, count to 10 and relax… There is a lot more things to be worried in life apart from those small things…. Have you ever dealt with people that are constantly moaning about how tired they are, how bored they are… I swear I deal with that every day, sometimes it feels like just punching them in the face to make them shut up… (breath! count to 10!)…

SMILE πŸ™‚ And tell them how full of energy are you, and how excited you are! It will make them stay quiet and after some while they might change their attitude too…

Clips :) (5 min Craft)

30 Aug

So bought those paper big black paper clips and i thought they look very boring so decided to decorate it a bit to make it look not so boring πŸ™‚

All you need is:

  • Black boring paper clips
  • piece of not so boring fabric
  • super glue
  • scissors






And next is simple, just cut the fabric to fit the clip and glue it on to the clip πŸ™‚









Finished piece πŸ™‚